Elevate your conference experience with our respectable keynote lecturers. We have arranged distinguished experts who will share invaluable insights, offering a glimpse into the latest state-of-the-art methodologies and prospects within the conference sessions. Each conference session will be opened by the keynote lecturer.

Symposium topic
Landslide remote sensing monitoring and early warning (Topic 1 / Session 1)
Landslide remote sensing monitoring and early warning (Topic 1 / Session 1)
Assoc. Prof. Dario Peduto, Ph.D. - Department. of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno (ITA)
Assoc. Prof. Dario Peduto, Ph.D. - Department. of Civil Engineering of the University of Salerno (ITA)
“Multi-source data analysis in slow-moving landslide-affected built-up environment: a case study in Calabria Region (southern Italy)”
“Multi-source data analysis in slow-moving landslide-affected built-up environment: a case study in Calabria Region (southern Italy)”

Symposium topic
Landslide susceptibility hazard and risk assessment (Topic 2 / Session 1)
Landslide susceptibility hazard and risk assessment (Topic 2 / Session 1)
Prof. Jaboyedoff Michel, Ph.D. - University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Sciences (CHE)
Prof. Jaboyedoff Michel, Ph.D. - University of Lausanne, Institute of Earth Sciences (CHE)
“Landslide susceptibility assessment: Chicken or the egg for the risk analysis?”
“Landslide susceptibility assessment: Chicken or the egg for the risk analysis?”

Symposium topic
Climate change and landslides (Topic 3 / Session 1)
Climate change and landslides (Topic 3 / Session 1)
Dr. Stefano Luigi Gariano, Ph.D. - CNR IRPI (ITA)
Dr. Stefano Luigi Gariano, Ph.D. - CNR IRPI (ITA)
“Prediction of rainfall-induced landslides in a changing climate: issues and perspectives for regional-scale approaches”
“Prediction of rainfall-induced landslides in a changing climate: issues and perspectives for regional-scale approaches”

Symposium topic
Testing modelling and mitigation of landslides (Topic 4 / Session 1)
Testing modelling and mitigation of landslides (Topic 4 / Session 1)
Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Melentijević, Ph.D. - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ESP)
Assoc. Prof. Svetlana Melentijević, Ph.D. - Universidad Complutense de Madrid (ESP)
“Rock slope stability analysis of highly fractured rock mass under different flow rules”
“Rock slope stability analysis of highly fractured rock mass under different flow rules”

Symposium topic
Testing, modelling and mitigation of landslides (Topic 4 / Session 1)
Testing, modelling and mitigation of landslides (Topic 4 / Session 1)
Prof. K. Önder Çetin, Ph.D. - Middle East Technical University - Civil Engineering Department (TUR)
Prof. K. Önder Çetin, Ph.D. - Middle East Technical University - Civil Engineering Department (TUR)
“Seismic Performance Assessment of Embankments”
“Seismic Performance Assessment of Embankments”

Symposium topic
Landslides in practice - mining and infrastructure (Topic 5 / Session 1)
Landslides in practice - mining and infrastructure (Topic 5 / Session 1)
Prof. Jovanovski Milorad, Ph.D. - “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Faculty of Civil Engineering - Skopje (MKD)
Prof. Jovanovski Milorad, Ph.D. - “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Faculty of Civil Engineering - Skopje (MKD)
“Integral approach in stability analyses for weak anisotropic rocks”
“Integral approach in stability analyses for weak anisotropic rocks”